The perfect gift

Gift Card

The perfect gift?
A gift card from Almar Jesolo!
Simply select an amount and the recipient can use the gift card to book a stay.

The greatest gifts you can give someone you love are time and a wellness experience!

Choose your exclusive Almar Jesolo Gift Card, available in preset amounts of € 100, € 200, € 500, € 1,000 and € 2,500 and use it for any special occasion such as birthdays, graduations, weddings and anniversaries.

The recipient can redeem it to book a stay at Almar Jesolo Resort & Spa on his/her preferred dates!

After purchasing your gift card online, you will receive a confirmation email with the voucher.
In order to check availability and make a reservation, the recipient must contact the Reservation Office at Almar Jesolo Resort & Spa and provide the voucher number.
Vouchers must be presented to the Reception upon check-in.

Gift cards must be paid in full by credit card at the time of purchase.
At the end of the reservation, any remaining balance can be used to pay for extra services at the resort and / or for subsequent bookings.
The card balance may not under any circumstance be exchanged for cash and cancellation policies are subject to the rate plan in effect at the time of booking.
